100 Oceans: An ongoing series of fragrances to conjure water
Glass, aroma molecules, tinctured plants and shells
3” x 3” x 3” (individual works), 2020 - present
Individual Works/Scents
Water in a Stone Cup: water, earth, tinctured seashells, minerals, moss
Teardrop: salt and coriander
Sweat: sweat, dirt, and seeds
Water Caught in a Spiderweb: crushed violet leaves and dew
Blue Lotus: Egyptian waterlily oil (Nymphaea caerulea)
Dew: co-distilled damask rose petals, leaves, and stems
Tidepools: algae, oarweed, and tinctured seashells
Shallows: hydro-distilled grass, red mud, and sea air.
Monsoon: male kewda flowers, agarwood and wild vetiver
Flowers Under Water: tuberose submerged in fat, clear liquid, and flower petals
Desert Rainfall: tinctured creosote leaves, distilled dirt, and sandalwood oil
Wetland, A Rain Soaked Field: steam-distilled vetiver roots
Bog Water: fog, green leaves, algae, water and earth